AjaxTB provides your static pages with trackback feature.
AjaxTB' CGI part works to receive a trackback which is sent by visiters.
AjaxTB' JavaScript part works to display trackbacks received.
CMS is not needed. PHP is not required.
AjaxTB is really pluggable and easy to use.
Indexed RSS and JSON files are also generated when a trackback is posted.
Download package: ajaxtb-20060919.zip ZIP
Perl (5.005 or above) is required on server side.
Expand the ZIPed file and change permition of ajaxtb.cgi and ajaxtb-data.
tb/ajaxtb.cgi permition 755 (rwxr-xr-x) tb/ajaxtb.css tb/ajaxtb.js tb/cgi-lib/ajaxtb-main.pl tb/cgi-lib/KCatch.pm tb/cgi-lib/misclib.pl tb/cgi-lib/XML/TreePP.pm tb/cgi-lib/XML/FeedPP.pm tb/ajaxtb-data/ permition 777 (rwxrwxrwx)
/service/tb/ directory is used to install it in this site.
You have to edit
before using it.
AjaxTB.prototype.url_receive = '/service/tb/ajaxtb-data';
And edit cgi-lib/ajaxtb-main.pl as well.
my $AJAXTB_DATA = "ajaxtb-data"; my $URL_ROOT = "http://domain.name"; my $DOC_ROOT = "/home/htdocs/domain.name";
$URL_ROOT is your website's top page URL. (don't include its last "/" slash)
$DOC_ROOT is DocumentRoot's path on your server.
And insert the following lines into your web pages.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://domain.name/service/tb/ajaxtb.css" /> <script src="http://domain.name/service/tb/ajaxtb.js"></script> <p>Trackback URL: http://domain.name/service/tb/ajaxtb.cgi/path/to/page.html</p> <div id="ajaxtb_here"></div> <script>(new AjaxTB("ajaxtb_here")).load();</script> <!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:trackback="http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://domain.name/path/to/page.html" trackback:ping="http://domain.name/service/tb/ajaxtb.cgi/path/to/page.html" dc:title="Page Title" dc:identifier="/path/to/page.html" /> </rdf:RDF> -->
That's all!
If you want to change trackbacks' look and feel, edit ajaxtb.css.
Trackbacks' log files are
generated in ajaxtb-data directory
as UTF-8 encoded and tab separated.
Column # | Name | Example | Note |
#1 | sent date | 2006-03-06T15:37:07Z | W3CDTF format (GMT) |
#2 | process ID | 42018 | not used (just for making uniqueness) |
#3 | IP address | 10060 | hash value of remote IP address |
#4 | charset | UTF-8 | character set |
#5 | url | http://kawa.at.webry.info/200603/article_1.html | URL of sender's article |
#6 | title | [ajax] AjaxTB - a pluggable trackback ... | title of sender's article |
#7 | excerpt | AjaxTB provides your static pages with ... | description of sender's article |
#8 | blogname | Yusuke Blog | title of sender's blog site |
Administrators' mode is not provided yet.
Just use vi command to delete some trackbacks scribbled.
This page's log file is
A indexed RSS file is also generated when a trackback is posted:
Or RSS mode is available to get same RSS data:
And a indexed JSON file is generated as well:
Trackback URL:http://www.kawa.net/service/tb/ajaxtb.cgi/works/ajax/ajaxtb/ajaxtb-e.html
Kawa.netxp © Copyright 2006 Yusuke Kawasaki